Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Hundred Lessons, One Learned

My first foray with a camera was less than stellar. The day turned overcast as my time window opened. I headed to Mission Marsh hoping the sun might reappear.

I quickly learned that my knowledge of the Nikon's endless settings are lacking. Once I turned the dial from automatic I was lost. My reading from the week prior reminded me of studying the golf swing. There are so many hints, tips and top ten lists of things to remember that my head was flooded. Just as I could never hit a golf ball with a multitude of tips swirling around in my head, I couldn't take a decent picture. I missed my simple old Pentax, and the sun.

Just less than a month ago the new scheduler for Lakehead Minor resigned with the schedule in limbo and only complete to January 5th. With limited information to work with and for reasons I can't begin to recall or understand I jumped in to help with both feet. It's been a learning experience. I've picked up a lot of spreadsheet knowledge. I know that the woman volunteer who managed the schedule for 15? years and was voted out last year, did an incredible job. The league should crawl on its collective knees back to her asking that she return next season. I've learned that tournaments are the evil behind many of the issues in hockey.

I can't seem to sleep any longer than 5 or 6 hours. This pattern has been with me for at least a month. It's 8 am as I write this and I've done 3 hours work at the computer already. Maybe that's why I took on the schedule, too tired to think straight?

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