Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Week on the Cullen Show

There were a couple of Facebook videos this week that were funny but fell short of the supper edition of the Cullen Show.
Mike texted me that he was eating spaghetti so we quickly tuned in on Skype. There he was with a tomato based goatee popping penne and homemade meatballs. Mel put a cup with two handles in front of him and he quickly put both hands on the cup and enjoyed his first unassisted drink.
But that wasn't even close to the best part. After supper down in the playroom he started pushing his little 4 wheeled walker. His jeans were slipping down so Mike changed iPads while Mel changed him. Minutes later the picture returned and there was this little naked butt pushing the walker. He bumped into the wall and then seemingly by accident pulled it back and turned it so that it hit the door frame. And then with the biggest smile on his face he discovered that he didn't need dad to turn it around over and over again. Minutes later he was doing laps around the play room still stark naked all on his own. Shortly after he was tired out and it was bath time and the end of a memorable episode.
I can't imagine being this far away without Skype.

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