Sunday, April 11, 2010

Northwood Awards Banquet...Done!

Saturday was a long...long day. I went out with the coach that did most of the organizing for the banquet at 11 and didn't get home til 3:15. Trophies, prizes, ice cream and three trips to unload at the hall. The banquet was a good one, a few glitches that will end up costing the league some extra dinero but the first time in the Slovak Legion was a popular move. The coaches and parents raised some cash for me to replace Bridget and awarded a trophy for a consolation game in my name. The cash gift card at Petries will cover the upgrade Jill went in for Saturday morning. Ironic but the amount was almost to the penny what was raised for the first Conquer Cancer ride 2 seasons ago. As nice as the gesture is I wish I could take it to Toronto.

The reunion portion was not what I hoped. 20 people showed up. For two months everyone I talked to was coming and had passed on the word to others, plus 2 ads in the paper. Disappointing but I did get to meet John Belluz who started the league as part of the Northwood Association in 1970. It was very interesting to listen to him speak about the origins. I'm proud to say we haven't strayed very far from the goals that were set for the league in 1970. I'm going to get together with him next fall to get everything written down so it's finally recorded.

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