Saturday, March 19, 2011

Most Beautiful Site

Why? Because she's outside after a one hour ride and my hands are no worse for wear. I wore the brace on my more troublesome left wrist and yes these were a few bees buzzing around but just the tame North American bees not the killer bees of Africa. With a brace, a long sleeve dry-wear and a sweatshirt it was tough to pull a glove over the multiple layers but it went on. The glove came off about a third of the way along and other than being a bit cool my hand was fine. I'm going to raise the bars a bit and try for a little better wrist angle. All in all I'm very surprised. My butt was a bit sore but that took my mind off of my hands. Once it warms up I can wear the braces without any trouble and will at least be able to ride with Sal for a couple of hours and maybe longer.
I just finished the 2nd book in the Stieg Larsson Millenium triology, the Girl Who Played With Fire. I can't remember whipping through books this fast, ever. Reading a magazine in bed, even with the braces on causes more discomfort than riding did, so being able to hold my phone with one hand allows me to read as long as I want, or as long as I can stay awake anyway. Great detective books by the way. Lisbeth Salander has to be one of the strangest heroines ever.

Link to google map 14.4km ride 19-March-2011

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