Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heading in the Wrong Direction

Since December I had been going to meetings as part of one of the committees working to improve Active Transportation in Thunder Bay. At the last meeting I attended it was suggested that to launch the bike lane on Court Street a street party be held. The street would be closed off to cars and people could try out the new bike lanes, the mayor and other dignitaries would take a spin to attract attention to the fact that the lanes are here. I suggested that the party be held on Court St. rather than the suggested Bay St. since it is Court St. that will see parking losses etc. to allow the lanes. Well I got an email today stating that the 'mission plan' includes the party on Bay St. All of this for a bike lane that will take you from Boulevard lake to the Moose Hall and then like most of our paved walking/bike paths leaves you with no recourse but to turn around and go back. There is no plan to connect or extend. It seems to me to be a bone thrown to the cycling crowd. Once the businesses on Court notice that few are using the lanes, they'll take a stand and the lanes will be gone. No one will use them because they don't get you from A to B. Bike lanes are meant for commuting not joy riding. I think my days on the committee are numbered.

I'm feeling a bit better about myself as I haven't strayed too far from eating right and riding almost every day. A long road back but at least a few steps have been taken.

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