Sunday, September 23, 2007

Taking Advantage of a Great Day

After work I rode over to Staples to make some copies for the rink, then back to work to organize everything and off to the PA Arena for 2pm. After 3 hours of scouting out the kids things started to fall into place as the extra goalie we had decided against playing in net and the extra skater decided to pack it in until he gets a bit older. Only one coach to start the day but the others dragged their butts in eventually.
I jumped on B'Ridge at 5:20 and headed home. I noticed the wind had died down and the sun was still warm so I quickly changed and headed north, through the college and up to the university. I tried a bit of off road riding and had some fun along the river at LU. I wound my way through PA and ended up climbing the hill to the bluffs. There are some trails up there but the sun was getting low and the ground was really wet and muddy.
I zipped down the hill and into Boulevard and tried a few trails behind the LPH. I came across a couple who could not find their pair of 8 year old girls and tried to help but they must have found them. I headed for home and arrived at about 7:45. I put in 30 km and really enjoyed the evening and especially the sprint home.

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