Friday, November 2, 2012

Feels Good

I once wrote that you never really appreciate your parents until you become one. Last week after visiting with Mike, Mel and Cullen on Skype I started appreciating myself as a parent. I'm not saying I did anything out of the ordinary, there's lots I didn't do that I regret. Lots of things I wish I had been able to give my kids that I either didn't or couldn't.

But watching Mike and Cullen on the couch together just goofing around for the camera I got a warm feeling, knowing the little guy is in good hands, just as I know Ginko is. Maybe our kids have learned something from their parents, maybe learned from our mistakes in some cases. Regardless, it feels good.   

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't have any regrets, because you both did an amazing job raising us. I'm sure we didn't appreciate everything at the time, but like you said, now that we have kids of our own, we realize just how lucky we are.
