Monday, October 17, 2011

Riding in the Rain

After slogging around through the rain on Friday I decided enough is enough. Although I hate spoiling Eyowen's good looks, I had to put on fenders. A rainsuit keeps about 99% of the water out but splashing tires make your feet wet.

Over at Petrie's installing fenders is one of the most hated tasks and I did mine at home with the bike flipped upside down on top of our freezer...ssshhhh don't tell Sal.

It took about 2 hours and turns out I had some clips in wrong (damn German instructions) but had it fixed in 10 minutes once Farzum pointed out the error. Two hours is about normal and I could have cut that by about 45 minutes if I had used a proper stand where I could flip the bike upside down. But then somebody else would have ended up doing most of the work and I wanted to do this job myself. With fenders and lights she's a real commuter now, sorry about that.

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