Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've done a lot of reading about what is causing the pain in my a** and leg but because I was concentrating on sciatica I may have missed the real cause. Piriformis syndrome is a tightening of the piriformis muscle which in turn puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. The piriformis gets tight from things such as rowing and you guessed it, cycling, without stretching properly. And you can guess the next part, I never stretch before hopping on a bike. I have tried a modified version of the stretching exercise that is supposed to loosen the muscle and can already feel something positive. That or I just want it to feel better and am convincing myself that it's working. I have another appointment at the chiropractor today so I'm going to talk it over with him. Keep you fingers crossed. It's a very rare form of sciatic problems but I'm anything but normal so just maybe that's it.
I talked with the chiropractor at todays session and he said he told me that was the area we were working on. I guys I missed it in all the latin he was throwing about.

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