Friday, March 30, 2012

The Wonders of Kijiji

For Sale: early 80's CCM 10 speed bike, asking $125. Value, maybe $25 if the tires are new.

Wanted: bike in working order like this one (pictured), offer $25.  Value of the Pinarello in the picture, about $6000.

Decision Affirmed

At last Sunday's monthly meeting of Lakehead Minor Hockey I announced that I would not let my name stand if nominated to the board next season. This morning the continued antics of a coaching staff has affirmed that decision in my mind.

The last time they met up with the teen that reffed last night's game our favourite team finished the evening with 10 games worth of suspensions to the coaches over a single penalty call. The ref called a 2 minute minor penalty. The player hit was injured and that turns it into an automatic 5 minute major, no choice for the ref. Since it happened in the last 10 minutes of the game a suspension of their best player resulted. Seems trivial, but three adults lost it and did everything in their power to intimidate the teen ref. He fought back with game ejections. They were not held accountable for blocking his car in the parking lot or taunting him as he passed through the arena lobby. All that and they still managed to win the game.

This time only one coach was ejected but he will face a 10 game suspension for his third offence in a season. As a bonus they lost the first game of the final series. Whether the individuals that slashed the tires of the teen ref are ever charged remains to be seen. But I have seen enough. I'll stick with the timid brand of hockey that is Northwood, where at least the adults act their age and the kids have fun. 


Friday, March 16, 2012

C'Mon Let's Go!

It's an extremely slow afternoon at work and Lisbeth is starring at me. I can almost hear her saying "c'mon let's go, let's get out of here and into the fresh air, you know you want to". It's great to have her on the road but so hard to to have her sitting so close while I try to stay busy. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Jury is Still Out

Sal says Cullen has cheeks just like his dad did. I think we'd have to see his 'other' cheeks to say they were as big as Mike's but further pictures will no doubt be compared. Please discuss amongst yourselves. Somebody pinch me please, Mike is a dad!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meet the Newest Canuck Fan

Cullen Lee Alexander Kresack was born in Calgary this morning weighing in at 8lbs. 9 ounces. Congrats to Mel and Mike, enjoy every minute. I thought I'd be the first to get him in Canucks gear!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Please Explain...

how the guy who drove through a construction site and into a snow bank last night was behind the wheel at all. The news just reported he was charged with a d.u.i. last week!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another One In The Books

The 2011-12 Northwoods season wrapped up this afternoon with a pair of finals. Ginkos team captured the championship with a 1-0 win in the fifth period. A bit of a flukey goal but that's the way the puck bounces sometimes. Can't say I'm sorry it's over. It was a long one where much of the time I'd have rather been somewhere else.

Congrats to the Petries Sharks.

Friday, March 2, 2012

More Goggling Around

Using Google's image search often makes for interesting results, here are some of the pix from "Woody". The girl at bottom right is supposed to be dressed as Woody from Toy Story and he is the number one result of the search, by far. I was searching for a picture of a woody wagon like the one at bottom left but it was hundreds of images down the page.

Googling Around

I search many things on the net. Trying to find a hit for old parts or answers to technical questions from customers often brings up some very strange results. I came across a Ted talk about data visualization which had me thinking. I searched both "i love you' and "i hate you" wide open on the net, just in Canada, just in French-Russian and Arabic. Then added the total hits for each and came up with a percentage of total hits.

wide open on the net
the term "i love you" returns 559,000,000 responses or 92.5%
while "i hate you" finds only 45,300,000 or 7.5%

searching the same in Canada
 "love" gets 3,830,000 hits or 92.09%
"hate" gets 329,000 hits 7.91%
we are pretty average

search in French
"love" 56,000.000 hits or 98.21%
"hate" 1,020,000 hits or 1.79%
oh those French

in Russian
"love" 16,400.000 hits or 78.28%
"hate" 4,550,000 hits or 21.72%

finally in Arabic
"love" 51,000,000 or 99.82%
"hate" 90,800 or 0.18%